Safety and Security

As you are well aware, the safety and security of our school, the children and staff are a priority.

The administration has been working with both the local police and AKB Security firm to develop policies and procedures to assure that safe environment.

All visitors MUST sign-in, wear a Visitor Badge, enter and exit through Main Door on Beach 129th Street.

  • Students in Grades Pre-K through Grade 8 are expected to arrive between 7:40am and 7:55am.
  • Students in Grades K-8 will meet in the School Gym. Students in Pre-K will meet in the Pre-K Entrance on the North side of the school.
  • Any student arriving after 8:00am is to be brought to the main entrance. 
  • There will be staff on duty every morning.

The school is not responsible for students who enter the school before 7:40am. Bus students arriving before 7:40am will report to the school gym

Bus students must come directly into the school building upon arrival. They may not go to the stores on Beach 129th Street after getting off the bus.

  • The Crossing Guards on duty on Beach 129th Street at Rockaway Blvd and Newport Avenue begin their duties at approximately 7:30am to 8:30am and 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Students arriving before this time will not have supervision crossing the streets.
  • Students and parents are asked to go to the Crossing Guards if crossing Beach 129th Street, Rockaway Beach Blvd and Newport Avenue.
  • Students may NOT cross in the middle of street

Teachers on duty have phones that will connect with the office, nurse and principal/assistant principal.

All students in all grades will be dismissed from the Beach 129th Street side of the building.

  • Nursery will be dismissed from their designated area explained on Back to School Night at 10:45am/2:20pm
  • Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed from their designated area explained on Back to School Night at 2:20pm
  • Kindergarten will be dismissed at 2:25 in the school playground near the Beach 129th Street side
  • Grades 1 through 4 will be dismissed at 2:30pm in the playground in their designated areas
  • Students in Grades K-4 are expected to stay with their teachers until a parent/designated contact or older sibling informs the teacher that they are taking the student.
  • Students should NOT be waiting in the Prayer Garden, on the Church steps, or on Beach 129th Street for a later pick-up. The school cannot be responsible for students waiting in these areas without supervision.

Please be VERY aware of the parking and Non-parking areas around the school property.
No parking in areas where the curbs are painted yellow and where the school buses come.
DO NOT park in the school yard which is closed at 1pm and reopened at 3pm (10:30am/12:30pm on half days)

  • We are required by law to conduct Fire and Safety Drills every month.
  • We are in the process of updating a Standard Emergency Protocol Document. This document is available to be seen in the main office, yet is not posted for security and safety reasons.
  • Those drills will include: Fire,  Hold,  Lock-down, Evacuate and Shelter.

All of the above changes and adjustments were the result of the collaboration with and recommendations from the Local Police Departments as well as suggestions recommended by Homeland Security Agencies and Programs.