January 26, 2024 13:51

Catholic Schools Week (February 8th-February 16th) Schedule of Events

“Catholic Schools Build the Future”

Thursday 2/8- Visit from Bishop DiMarzio

  • Full School Uniform

  • Opening Prayer Service- 10:45 am-11:15 am in St. Francis de Sales Church

  • Art Teacher of the Day

  • Inaugural Meeting of the Monthly Rosary at St. Francis de Sales Church (2:45 pm-3:30 pm)- Join us after school with your family as we pray to our Blessed Mother. 

Friday 2/9 (Jersey Day)

  • All students can wear their favorite sports jersey.

  • All students are asked to bring in a canned good for the “SOUPer Bowl of Caring.” All donations are going to the St. Rose of Lima Food Pantry

  • ½ Day with a 12 noon dismissal

  • Faculty and Staff Luncheon 

Sunday 2/11

All are invited to join the parish, administration, faculty, students and families for the Opening of Catholic Schools Week Mass Sunday 2/11at 10 am at Blessed Trinity Parish (St. Edmund’s) and at 10am at St. Francis de Sales Parish.

All students are asked to wear their full dress uniform that day when they sit with their families. This is a great way to kick off Catholic Schools Week and be a part of our two aligned parishes. There will be a small reception with light refreshments after each mass. Our Marion Apparition Displays will be on display. All students who come in their dress uniform will receive a dress down ticket to be used during the month of March. We hope to see you there!

Monday 2/12: Our Future is Bright Day (Neon Day)

  • All Students in Nursery-Grade 8 are asked to wear Neon colors on this Dress Down Day.

  • Physical Education Teacher of the Day

Tuesday 2/13 

  • All Students are asked to wear a CSW Shirt or their SFDSCA Gym Shirt

  • School Mass at 10:00 am in St. Francis de Sales Church for Grades 1-8

  • Pancake Breakfast/Lunch sponsored by the AFA

Wednesday 2/14 (Ash Wednesday)

  • Full School Uniform

  • Ash Wednesday Prayer Service (Grades 1-8) at 10:45 am

  • Creative Writing Teacher of the Day

Thursday 2/15 (Blue and Gold Day Grades PK-4)

  • Blue and Gold Day (Grades PK-4)

    • 8:45am-9:15am Pre-Kindergarten

    • 9:30am-10:30am- Kindergarten

    • 10:45 am-12:15 pm- Grades 1 and 2

    • 12:45 pm-2:15 pm- Grades 3 and 4

  • STEM Teacher of the Day

  • Students in Grades 5-8 can wear flannel pajama pants

  • Nursery students are asked to wear Blue and Gold

  • Class of 2024 Blue and Gold Night-8th Graders vs. Parents at 7pm

Friday 2/16 (Blue and Gold Day Grades 5-8)

  • Blue and Gold Day (Grades 5-8)

    • 10am-11:45am- Grades 5-6

    • 12:30 pm-2:15 pm- Grades 7 and 8

    • 2:20 pm- Blue and Gold Winner (Grades K-8)

  • Students in Grades Nursery-Grade 4 can dress up  as what they would like to be in the future (When I grow up…..)